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GNL Technology Co.,Ltd

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3d printer filament pla
3d printer filament pla
Specification: 3.00mm or 1.75mm
Detail: 3D Filament Informations : Matched 3D printer: RepRap , Makerbot ,Mendel ,Huxley , UP!printers , Ultimaker and so on Advantage : ** Appicable to general 3D printer ** Excellent size stability, rapid forming perform...

3d printer filament abs
3d printer filament abs
Specification: 3.00mm or 1.75mm
Detail: 3D Filament Informations : Matched 3D printer: RepRap , Makerbot ,Mendel ,Huxley , UP!printers , Ultimaker and so on Advantage : ** Appicable to general 3D printer ** Excellent size stability, rapid forming perform...

3d printer extruded plastic
3d printer extruded plastic
Specification: 3.00mm or 1.75mm
Detail: 3D Filament Informations : Matched 3D printer: RepRap , Makerbot ,Mendel ,Huxley , UP!printers , Ultimaker and so on Advantage : ** Appicable to general 3D printer ** Excellent size stability, rapid forming perform...

3d printer filament
3d printer filament
Specification: 3.00mm or 1.75mm
Detail: 3D Filament Informations : Matched 3D printer: RepRap , Makerbot ,Mendel ,Huxley , UP!printers , Ultimaker and so on Advantage : ** Appicable to general 3D printer ** Excellent size stability, rapid forming perform...
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